- CRAN-BER-RITA (this one got filed in duplicate for some reason)

In December 2016, I blogged about Anheuser-Busch's application for GRAPE-A-RITA, which has since registered. Back in August and September 2016, the beverage company filed trademark applications for BUD LIGHT LIME COCO-NUT-RITA SPLASH, BUD LIGHT LIME PINE-APPLE-RITA SPLASH, BUD LIGHT LIME PEACH-A-RITA, and BUD LIGHT LIME ORANGE-A-RITA. All those applications, except BUD LIGHT LIME COCO-NUT-RITA, were abandoned because Anheuser-Busch did not submit proof it was using those trademarks by the deadline to do so. However, Anheuser-Busch refiled similar marks without "Bud Light Lime" in front and obtained registrations for those (like PEACH-A-RITA and ORANGE-A-RITA).
According to my quick search, Anheuser-Busch currently owns 463 active trademark applications or registrations with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. And yes, a registration for DILLY DILLY covering "beer" is one of them.
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